Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Unique Hydrology and Soils of Dominica

The hydrology and soil are other very distinctive geological qualities that Dominica possesses. It is one of Earth's most rain-drenched lands; in turn, the abundance of water runoff forms many cascading rivers and natural pools throughout the island. 

The Emerald Pool is an example of one of the natural pools created from water runoff.

Dominica is very water rich with swift-flowing highland streams, which cascade into deep gorges and form natural pools and crater lakes. The principal rivers that flow westward into the Caribbean are the Layou and the Roseau Rivers. The major river that empties eastward into the Atlantic is called the Toulaman River. The largest crater lake in Dominica is the Boeri Lake.
Boeri Lake occupies about five acres and is about thirty six meters deep. Not only is this the largest crater lake, it is also the deepest and highest in altitude on the island. This lake is located in the Morne Trios National Park, a world heritage site.

There are many landslides throughout the island, most resulted from hurricanes in the late 1900's. The unusual hydrological characteristics displayed in the tropical clay soils in these landslides convey that these soils are highly porous. The high water content in the soil led to flow-sides which caused debris to travel great distances across low-angled slopes.
One of the landslides caused from Hurricane Dean in 2007.

Sources: Hydrology and Soils (, Dominica Geology (